Blowing in the wind

Wednesday. It’s National Frog Jumping Day. Cancelled.

The Guardian has a profile of Ian Dury, the “Count Dracula of vernacular.”

What are the pandemic dangers going forward? This is one of the clearest and most informative articles by an expert that I’ve read so far on where and how the virus spreads and what you can do to avoid it. The author, Erin Bromage, is an immunologist at UMass Dartmouth. Here’s another article by Bromage on the importance of testing in reducing infection rates.

Grounded airliners are screwing up weather forecasting.

People are understandably tired of staying home and are beginning to move around more. Here’s a map that shows where it’s happening. This could explain why the Michigan governor has been so strict. In any case what happens today will impact the infection rate three to five weeks from now. So we’ll see what happens then.

Everything is made of fermions and bosons. At least that’s what we thought. Physicists are now exploring the existence of a whole new family of particles, anyons. Who ordered that?

And 2020 graduates are having a tough year. But there’s doughnuts!

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